Index Data Technology Repairs Car care Controls Overview
4 Start by connecting the jumper cable
from the positive terminal of the sup-
port vehicle to the positive terminal
connector located in your BMW's en-
gine compartment. The cover of the
auxiliary terminal for jump-starting is
indicated by a "+" sign. Refer to the
illustration. To open the cover on the
M roadster, fold it forward; fold up-
ward on the M coupe.
The illustration depicts the auxiliary
terminal for jump-starting on the
Z3 roadster and Z3 coupe as an
For the auxiliary terminal to jump-
start the M roadster and M coupe,
refer to Engine compartment,
page 122.
5 Then connect the negative terminals.
First attach the cable to either the
support vehicle's negative battery ter-
minal (–), or to a suitable ground on its
engine or body. Then connect the
other terminal of the cable to a ground
on the engine or on the body of the
vehicle which is to be started. This a
special nut which is provided on the
suspension strut dome of the BMW.
Refer to the arrow in the illustration.
Follow the same sequence when
connecting jumper cables if you
are assisting another vehicle. If you do
not, there is a risk of personal injury
from spark generation at the battery.<
6 Start the support vehicle's engine
and let it run.
7 Start the engine on the vehicle need-
ing the jump-start, and allow it to run
as usual. If the first start attempt is
not successful, wait a few minutes
before another attempt in order to
allow the discharged battery to re-
8 Before disconnecting the jumper
cables from your BMW, turn on the
lamps, set the blower at the highest
speed and run the engine for at least
10 seconds. This will prevent a volt-
age surge at the voltage regulator.
9 Then disconnect the jumper cables in
reverse sequence.
Depending on the cause of the fault,
recharge the battery.
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