BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guide
BMD00220, October 2010 Chapter 3: Securing Administration 57
Configuring the SCP Administrator Password
To configure the SCP-only administrator password, enter the following command (the default
password is admin):
Using SSH and SCP Client Commands
This section shows the format for using some client commands. The examples below use as the IP address of a sample switch.
To Log In to the Switch
Note – The -4 option (the default) specifies that an IPv4 switch address will be used. The -6
option specifies IPv6.
To Copy the Switch Configuration File to the SCP Host
RS G8124(config)# [no] ssh scp-password
Changing SCP-only Administrator password; validation required...
Enter current administrator password: <password>
Enter new SCP-only administrator password: <new password>
Re-enter new SCP-only administrator password: <new password>
New SCP-only administrator password accepted.
>> ssh [-4|-6] <switch IP address>
>> ssh [-4|-6] <login name>@<switch IP address>
>> ssh scpadmin@
>> scp [-4|-6] <username>@<switch IP address>:getcfg <local filename>
>> scp scpadmin@ ad4.cfg