Chapter 6: Maintenance
724-746-5500 | blackbox.com 6-9
Cause Solution
E 2 Pr
Timing Sensor,
Carriage Stuck.
Unlock cover and remove. Set Auto-Sync
Time Clock on side with the ribbon side up.
Press the Reset button to reset the printer
carriage and blow air into the printer platen
to remove or dislodge jammed objects. If
the error reoccurs, check the wires and
cables to verify all are connected properly.
E 3 Pr
E 4 Pr
Home Sensor,
Carriage Stuck.
Unlock cover and remove. Press the Reset
button to reset the printer carriage and the
time should reappear on the display. Try to
stamp a card again so you can hear the
machine attempting to stamp. If you hear
that the assembly sounds sluggish or drags,
it is recommended that the frame be re-
lubricated with either silicone or white
lithium grease. See the following figure for
location. (DO NOT use WD-40 as it will
damage the plastic components.
NOTE: Print errors can be caused by the absence of grease on the printing carriage
mechanism. If this occurs, the carriage mechanism may not slide smoothly.
This movement restriction may cause the printer to display a print error
and stop working. If this occurs, apply white silicone grease to the
horizontal metal plate that the carriage mechanism slides against
(see Figure 6-10).
Figure 6-10. Ribbon Carriage Grease.