Chapter 2: Installation
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Figure 2-4. Top Plate Removal.
4. Disconnect the Ethernet cable at the RJ-45 network connector (see Figure 2-4).
You DO NOT have to remove the cable from under the wall mounting plate on
the back – just disconnect it at the RJ-45 connector
5. Lift up the top plate by pulling upwards and
towards the back of the clock to remove it.
Temporarily set aside. Note the alignment of the
top plate during removal – especially the front and
rear tabs (see figure to the right).
6. Carefully lift the front PCB up and out of its
retaining slot (see Figure 2-6). This is the PCB with
the coin battery on it. Just lift the PCB up enough
to provide adequate clearance for the FPR
mounting bracket to be inserted into its side
retaining slots on the right and left sides of the
main clock frame (see Figure 2-6).
7. Carefully insert the FPR mounting bracket with the
FPR battery pack (see Figure 2-5). It will fit only
one way as it must slip over the rectangular shaped
network connector (see Figure 2-7).