w w w. b i s s e l l . c o m 8 0 0 . 2 3 7 . 7 6 9 1
3. Attach Hose
A. Connect solution hose to the hose
connection point on unit, next to flow
indicator. Insert hose and turn
clockwise until locked into place.
B. Open hose latch on the front of the
unit and insert hose into place. Turn
clockwise until locked into place.
4. Attach the cleaning tool to the end of the
5. Clean by pressing the red trigger to
spray solution onto the area to be
cleaned. Slowly move the tool back and
forth over the soiled surface. Release the
trigger to suction soiled water. Continue
to clean in the area, working in small
sections, until no more dirt can be
removed. Caution: Do Not Overwet
6. Remove and rinse tool in clean running
water. Let dry completely.
7. Remove and rinse hose in clean, running
water. Let dry completely.
8. Empty dirty and clean water tanks and rinse
following instructions on page 13.
Cleaning with attachments continued
3B. 3B.