Happy Voyager
Installing the Hoop Tech Device/Machine Set Up 23
Warning: Any movement of the Tubular Clamping
System must only be carried out with the clamp in
the closed position.
Move the arm to true center (if not there already).
Press FUNC and arrow down to CENTER and press
SET. The arm moves if it is not already centered.
Notice: The center is NOT the center of the in-
stalled hoop.
Set Up the Design:
1. Transfer the design into Voyager via either USB or
Compact Flash and select a design.
2. Go to the SETTING menu by pressing MENU, then
using the arrow keys to select SETTING. Press SET to
enter the setting menu.
3. Make sure the design was digitized “center-center”.
Check in window marked 3 if the Y-distances from center
and the X-distances from center are matching pairs.
If not adjust the center using the digitizing/editing software
or ignore the instructions given below.
4. Press the blue right-arrow key in the control panel to
navigate to the third tab in the setting screen as shown
(See picture - box 4) and using the down arrow key 2 time
to access box marked 5 and select SET.
5. Program the correct offset value for the installed
Tubular Clamping System.
Important the values must be in the MINUS num-
MINUS — 60.3 for smaller clamping system (ITCS1)
MINUS — 75.5 for larger clamping system (ITCS2)
6. Return to the main screen by pressing ESC twice.
7. Trace the design by pressing TRACE. Important:
Just in case, be prepared to hit the red panic button
during the TRACE and any OFF-SET executions.
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