2. Factory layer:
I. DMD layer (Fig-3):
(Fig-3) DMD layer
1. CW delay: Adjust color wheel delay.(Note this value before upgrade software)
2. White peak: Adjust DMD white peak.
In PC mode default value set 10, in Video mode is 0.
Software auto set this value as source find.
3. DLP Brightness: Adjust DLP Brightness.
Default setting is 36.Do not change this value.
4. DLP Contrast: Adjust DLP Contrast.
Default setting is 30.Do not change this value.
5. Burn-In Hour: set how many hours to burn-in.
Projector will enter burn-in mode on next selection.
6. Burn-In: After you set burn-in hours, set this selection to “On” and system will
enter going to burn-in immediately.
Projector will run color change (Red, Green, Blue, Black, White) on screen.
System will auto turn off after burn-in hour count down to 0 and burn-in
(You can also cancel burn-in sequence by set this selection to “Off”).