Positioning your projector16
There is 3% tolerance among these numbers due to optical component variations.
BenQ recommends that if you intend to permanently install the projector, you should
physically test the projection size and distance using the actual projector in situ before you
permanently install it, so as to make allowance for this projector's optical characteristics.
This will help you determine the exact mounting position so that it best suits your
installation location.
Screen Size
Distance from Screen in mm Vertical offset in mmDiagonal
Inches mm
60 1524 1292 808 427 177.7
70 1778 1508 942 505 207.3
80 2032 1723 1077 583 236.9
90 2286 1939 1212 661 266.5
100 2540 2154 1346 739 296.2
120 3048 2585 1615 896 355.4
150 3810 3231 2019 1130 444.2
200 5080 4308 2692 1521 592.3
220 5588 4739 2962 1677 651.6
240 6096 5169 3231 1833 710.8
260 6604 5600 3500 1989 770.0
280 7112 6031 3769 2146 829.3
300 7620 6462 4039 2302 888.5