4-7.4 Remote Playback Installation
Besides the remote monitoring feature mentioned in the previous section,
HDR-16EP also provides the Remote Playback function.
To be able to run Remote Playback, a “player” program needs to be installed on
user’s computer. The “player” program can be downloaded from HDR-16EP
web page as follows. Click on “Download Player” option, a “Download Files”
dialog window will pop up as the bottom right graph. Select “Execute this
program from the current directory(R)”, then click “OK” button.
A warning dialog window will pop up. Click on “Y” (Yes) on the warning dialog
window, and select “Next” on all the following dialog windows. Then click on
“Finish” on the last window as figure below to finish the installation of Remote
Playback function.
After the successful installation, user can start to use the Playback function on the
HDR-16EP web page. Also, a Local Playback icon will appear on the window
desktop as the figure below.