
BenQ LCD Color Monitor User's Guide
English 41
This function lets user to recover the ex-factory settings.
1. Press Enter key to enter recall submenu.
2. Press Left/Right key to select Yes/No.
3. Press Enter to confirm the selection.
4. Press Exit key to cancel the selection and leave the submenu.
This function lets user to set the OSD menu lasting time.
1. Press Enter key to enter OSD time adjustment submenu.
2. Press Left/Right key to reduce/increase the lasting time.
3. Press Exit key to leave the submenu.
4. The scale of adjustment is 5-60.
1. Press Enter key to enter volume adjust submenu.
2. Press Left/Right key to reduce/increase the value of volume.
3. Press Exit key to leave the submenu.
4. The scale of adjustment is 0-100.
OSD Time