Self Help Guide
TSG-UK-1-001 | www.belkin.com | Page 1 of 1
Next, right-click the Icon for your Local Area Connection so that the sub-menu appears
and select ‘Properties’. This will bring up the ‘Properties’ Window for your Computer’s
Network Card.
From the large white window select the option
For ‘Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)’ Providing you
Have administrative rights over the Computer
the ‘Properties’ button should be highlighted.
Self Help Guide
TSG-UK-1-008 | www.belkin.com | Page 7 of 8
Click on the ‘Properties’ button to continue. A
screen similar to that shown left should
Connectivity problems are often because the
Card has been set to ‘Use The Following IP
Address’ i.e. a Static IP Address.
Set the Card to ‘Obtain An IP Address
Automatically’ and ‘Obtain DNS Server
Address Automatically’ as shown here and
then click the ‘OK’ button to save the
Once the changes are affected you should
test the connectivity again using ‘ipconfig’ in
the black DOS Window as described before.