56 / 56 EN
Dryer / User Manual
End symbol is on.
• Programmeisover.Turnoffthedryerandtakeoutthelaundry.
Lint Filter Cleaning symbol is on.
• Lintfilterisnotcleaned.>>>Clean the lint filter.
Lint Filter Cleaning symbol is flashing.
• Filterhousingiscloggedwithlints.>>>Clean the lint filter housing.
• Adeposithasbuiltuponthelintfilterporesthatmaycauseclogging.>>>Wash the lint filter with
warm water.
• Filterdrawerisclogged.>>>Clean the sponge and the filter cloth in the filter drawer.
Water leaks from the loading door
• Linthasaccumulatedontheinnersurfacesoftheloadingdoorandonthesurfacesoftheloadingdoor
gasket.>>>Clean the inner surfaces of the loading door and the surfaces of the loading
door gasket.
Loading door opens spontaneously.
• Loadingdoorisajar.>>>Push the loading door to close until you hear a locking sound.
Water Tank warning symbol is on/flashing.
• Watertankisfull.>>>Drain the water tank.
• Waterdraininghoseisbent.>>>Iftheproductisconnecteddirectlytoawastewaterdrain,checkthewater
drain hose.
Filter Drawer Cleaning warning symbol is flashing.
• Filterdrawerisnotcleaned.>>>Clean the sponge and the filter cloth in the filter drawer.
If you cannot eliminate the problem although you follow the instructions in this section, consult your
dealer or the Authorized Service Agent. Never try to repair a nonfunctional product yourself.