Each Use 1st Month or
20 hours
Every 3
Months or
50 hours
Every 6
Months or
100 hours
Every Year or
300 hours
Engine Oil- Check X
* Engine Oil - Change X X
Air Filter-Check X
* Air Filter-Clean X X
* Air Filter- Change X
* Carburetor Sediment cup - Clean X
Spark Plug- Check - Adjust X
Spark plug - Replace X
Idle Speed - Check, Adjust X
** Valve Clearance - Check, Adjust X
Fuel Tank and Filter- Clean X
Fuel Tube - Chcek X
Cintrifugal Clutch - Clean and
X Every
5 hours
All nuts and bolts - Check for
Chain tension - Check X
*Brakes - Check X
* Throttle - check X
Items of Maintenance
“*” means: This item of maintenance should be carried out at a service center. It may be also done by the user with reference to this
manual provided special tools and authorized spare parts are used. The user must also be capable of completing the procedure.
“**” means: This item can only be carried out by an authorized service center in order to ensure safety.
1. Maintenance should be conducted more frequently when Mini Bike is driven in dusty areas.
2. When Mini bike has exceeded the maximum gures specied in the table, maintenance should be still cycled according to the
intervals of time or hours stated herein.