SeCtion 7 • optionS & aCCeSSorieS
c. holDinG Tank operaTion
Waste from the head is directed into the holding tank
located in the engine room. The holding tank uid
level indicator is located on the main distribution
panel or in the head which indicates 3/4 FULL,
FULL and DO NOT FLUSH, or on some models
may read FULL, 1/2, or EMPTY. When the FULL
light is on, the DO NOT FLUSH light will also be on.
When these lights are ON, the holding tank must be
emptied before the head can be reused.
D. venT filTer
The vent lter is designed to control odors associated
with the head system operations. The vent lter
is located on the holding tank. The lter must
be changed at the beginning of each boating
season to be effective. The vent lter is installed
in-line on the holding tank ventilation hose.
Note: Do not over ll the holding tank as this will
ood the vent lter and render it useless. Filter
replacement will then be required. See Parts
Manual for correct replacement lter.
10. exhausT sYsTeMs
Your boat comes with a choice of different exhaust
systems. Below is a description of the standard
and optional systems on your H2X.
Thru-Hub Exhaust (standard): Thru-hub exhaust
propellers consist of a round barrel to which the
blades are attached. The exhaust passes through
the barrel and out the back, without making contact
with the blades. This provides a good clean
water ow to the blades, usually resulting in good
acceleration and hole shot.
CorsaTM Performance Quick & Quiet II (option):
A full time, non-switchable, thru-hull exhaust system
that uses patented Silencer Tips with a pair of upper
exhaust splitters connected to the lower wishbone
and the exhaust riser.
CorsaTM Performance Quick & Quiet Plus
(option): An electronically operated exhaust
diverter used in conjunction with the same Silencer
Tips of the Quick & Quiet II system, but with the
added exibility to switch the exhaust ow to fully
silenced, thru-prop operation. The switch is used to
change the exhaust exits, either thru-prop or thru-
hull, which will provide maximum performance or
minimum exhaust sound.
Many areas regulate noise limits. Even if there
are no laws, courtesy demands that boats operate