342 Performance
Section 1 • Safety
It is illegal for any vessel to dump plastic trash anywhere
in the ocean or navigable waters of the United States.
SPEED HAZARD- Watch your wake. It might capsize
a small craft. You are responsible for damage caused
by your wake.
Reduce speed in congested waterway.
Be alert for No Wake Markers.
b. WasTe Disposal
• Many areas prohibit overboard sewer discharge.
Close and disable ow-through waste systems
to prevent discharge in such areas.
• Bag all refuse until it can be disposed of
ashore. Regulations prohibit disposal of plastic
anywhere in the marine environment and
restrict other garbage disposal within specied
distances form shore.
c. excessive noise
Many areas regulate noise limits. Even if there
are no laws, courtesy demands that boats operate
D. Wake/Wash
Power boat wakes can endanger people and
vessels. Each power boat operator is responsible
for injury or damage caused by the boat's wake. Be
especially careful in conned areas such as channels
or marinas. Observe "no wake" warnings.