
Chapter 4: Basic Operations 57
ISV Partners
The Avocent Independent Software Vendors (ISV) partners program supports configuring and
launching a browser from within the DSView 3 software to the console of the Ipswitch WhatsUp
Only members of the DSView 3 administrators user group may configure ISV partner URLs.
See the Avocent web site for more information about the ISV partners program.
To add or change the partner URLs:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Partners in the top navigation bar.
3. If partner URLs have not already been configured, click Properties in the side navigation bar.
4. The Partner Properties window will open. Enter the URLs for launching a browser to the
partner product. Separate multiple URLs with a line break. The maximum length in each field
is 512 characters.
5. Click Save. A button icon and link will appear for each configured URL on the Partner Tools
To launch a browser session to a partner URL:
1. Click the Units tab.
2. Click Partners in the top navigation bar.
3. The Partner Tools window will open. (This window exists only if at least one URL has been
defined in the Partner Properties window.)
4. Click on the button or link to launch the browser window to the specified URL.