Single port KVM over IP switch
This method takes more time than the fast one and requires a correctly adjusted
picture. Use the auto adjustment function or the manual correction in the Video
Settings panel to setup the picture.
• Local Cursor
Offers a list of different cursor shapes to choose from for the local mouse pointer. The
selected shape will be saved for the current user and activated the next time this user
opens the Remote Console. The number of available shapes depends on the Java
Virtual Machine; a version of 1.2 or higher offers the full list.
Figure 5-9. Remote Console Options Menu:Cursor
• Video Settings
Opens a panel for changing the IP-KVM switch video settings. IP-KVM switch features
two different dialogs, which influence the video settings.
Video Settings through the HTML-Frontend
To enable local video port, select this option. This option decides if the local video
output of IP-KVM switch is active and passing through the incoming signal from the
host system.
The option Noise Filter defines how IP-KVM switch reacts to small changes in the
video input signal. A large filter setting needs less network traffic and leads to a
faster video display, but small changes in some display regions may not be
recognized immediately. A small filter displays all changes instantly but may lead to
a constant amount of network traffic even if display content is not really changing
(depending on the quality of the video input signal). All in all the default setting
should be suitable for most situations.