
Chapter 3: Operations 15
By default, two passwords are required to access the Avocent Emerge ECMS2000U Extender via
the Receiver (User Access Node). One password controls access to the Receiver, the other
password controls access to the Transmitter (Computer Access Node). In both cases, the default
password is “password”. For information on how to change the default password, see
Authentication on page 24.
Items needed to access the serial menu
Networked computer with a serial port
Null-modem serial cable (male DB9) or three-wire serial cable
HyperTerminal emulation software or equivalent
To access the serial menu:
1. Connect one end of the serial cable to the serial port on the back of the Receiver.
2. Connect the other end of the serial cable to the serial port of your PC.
3. Launch HyperTerminal.
4. Configure the HyperTerminal session for 57600 bits per second, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop
bit and no flow control.
NOTE: Software (XON/XOFF) flow control is supported. However, it should not be used when using XMODEM.
Figure 3.1: Com1 Properties
5. Confirm the HyperTerminal settings.