
106Chapter 12 - Filters and Rules
The third determines which services have priority flowing through the router:
3 Service Prioritization.
An Internet provider has three clients connected to the same router. Client A is larger and without traffic control
would overwhelm the router to the exclusion of Clients B and C. The administrator decides to divide the flow
out of the router (to the Internet) into three portions: 50% guaranteed for Client A, and the rest divided equally
between Clients B and C. Since he does not want to limit Client A needlessly, the bandwidth Client A uses can
be increased on demand if the total bandwidth is not being used up by the other two clients. This is Bandwidth
The two clients with 25% bandwidth each are given lesser, but equal priorities. They can not share bandwidth
or steal it from Client A. However, each has the right to 25% of the total bandwidth on link 3 if it is needed.
This is Traffic Shaping.
Note that this rule list is applied to link 3, and not separately on links 0-2.
Steps for this configuration.
1 Create a Traffic Rule list traffic_1. This is done in the CONFIG =>RULES LIST =>IP => ADD RULE LIST
menu with the
Rule List Type
set to
2 Create rules for each of the three source IP addresses. This is done in the CONFIG =>RULES LIST =>IP
=>ADD RULE menu. The parameters for each rule are shown in Figure 12.7. Of the traffic parameters,
only the
Reserved Bandwidth
Bandwidth Priority
parameters are important in this example.
is not used.
3 Enter into the configuration for link 3 and change the parameter CONFIG =>INTERFACE =>
Note that the bandwidth used for the percentage calculation is that set in CONFIG =>INTERFACE
=>TRAFFIC CONTROL =>GENERAL =>BANDWIDTH, and not the actual bandwidth
available in the link.