Chapter 4: Web Interface Operations 47
To launch a KVM session from the DSR Explorer:
1. From the DSR Explorer, select Target Devices in the side navigation bar. A list of available
devices will appear.
2. Click the KVM session link to the right of the target device that you wish to access. The Video
Viewer will launch. For more information on the Video Viewer, see
Chapter 5.
If the target device is currently in use, users attempting access will be given an opportunity to force
a connection to the device if their preemption level is equal to or higher than the current user’s.
Users may also launch KVM sessions from the Unit Overview window.
To delete offline IQ modules:
1. If you wish to only list servers that are available and powered, click Appliance - Appliance
Settings - Ports - IQ modules to activate the Appliance IQ modules window.
2. Click the Delete Offline button.
To disconnect an active KVM session (administrator only):
1. Click Appliance - Appliance Settings - Sessions - Active to display a list of active
2. Select the checkbox to the left of the session you wish to disconnect and click the
Managing the DSR Switch On-Board Web Interface
While not as powerful as the DSView 3 software, the DSR switch on-board web interface provides
several configuration options to tailor the DSR switch to your specific application.
Upgrading IQ modules
The IQ module Flash upgrade feature allows you to update IQ modules with the latest firmware
available. This update can be performed using the DSR switch on-board web interface, DSView 3
software or the OSCAR interface.
After the Flash memory is reprogrammed with the upgrade, the DSR switch performs a soft reset,
which terminates all IQ module sessions. A target device experiencing an IQ module firmware
update may not display, or may display as disconnected. The target device will appear normally
when the Flash update is completed.
NOTE: Check www.avocent.com for firmware upgrade files.
NOTE: IQ modules are automatically updated when the DSR switch is updated. To update your DSR switch
firmware, see Flash Upgrades on page 69 or the DSView 3 Software Online Help.
If issues occur during the normal upgrade process, IQ modules may also be force upgraded