Chapter 3: Web Manager for All Users 51
NOTE: The IP address is the one assigned to the public interface of the MergePoint 5224/5240 appliance.
12. Click the Next button.
13. Click the Finish button.
Accessing the MergePoint 5224/5240 SP Manager Console
Selecting the Appliance option on the Web Manager menu, then clicking the Connect button brings
up a window running a MindTerm Java applet with an SSH connection to the MergePoint 5224/
5240 appliance, as shown in Figure 3.11.
Figure 3.11: Appliance Console Login Screen
Regular users by default are not able to access the shell and they cannot do anything on the console
that they could not do from the Web Manager menu options. Users are encouraged to use the Web
Manager options instead of going through the Web Manager to use the console.
After authentication, the regular user sees the two following choices to access target devices or
change the user’s password, which are similar to the Web Manager menu options.