Operators Manual
ALS 230
Release 11/05 Page 52 Serial interface
7.2 Interface commands
The below described commands will change one of the labelling parameter. The values are not
stored and will be lost when turning off power.
If the sequence nnnn is replaced by the character "?" then the current value of that parameter
will be returned by the labelling machine as a 4 character string confirming the name of the
parameter requested followed by 4 numbers representing the current value of that parameter.
The character 04H terminates all return messages.
PC send the message: #!VELO?
Machine returns: VELO0300<04H>
Command Description Range
#!APOSnnnn Value APOS
-0050 – 0100 mm
#!APPLnnnn Applicator type 0000 direct dispense
0001 ASA
0002 EP
0003 EP_U
0004 PLUA
0005 INDX
#!APSFnnnn APSF function 0000 off
0001 on
#!APT1nnnn Applicator time
0001 – 7500 ms
#!APT2nnnn Applicator time
0001 – 7500 ms
#!APT3nnnn Applicator time
0000 – 5000 ms
#!ASTPnnnn Value ASTP
-0020 – 0050 mm
#!BANKnnnn Change product bank
0000 - 0009
#!BLOWnnnn Blow on time = APT 2
0001 - 7500 ms
#!COMPnnnn Automatic label compensation 0000 = Off
0001 = On
#!CONTnnnn Material contrast 0001 – 0200
0000 automatically
#!DISTnnnn Distance label sensor – dispensing
0080 – 9999 * 0.1 mm
#!EGRAnnn Gear ratio
0300 – 1000
#!LPITnnnn Label length 0005 – 0999 mm
0000 automatically
#!MACHnnnn Machine type 0000 ALS230
0001 ALX720
0002 ALS330
0003 ALS430