9-40 Installation and Maintenance Volume
Octel 200/300 S.4.1 PB60019−01
9. Use a flat-blade screwdriver to tighten the two captive screws that are attached to the front flange of
the PSU.
10. Attach the floppy ribbon cable, which comes from the PSU, to the corresponding connector on the
CPU card.
11. Attach the “100−240 VAC 50/60Hz” label (Part Number 445−6277−001) to the back of the
Octel 200. The new label should be affixed over the existing label, near the power cord.
12. Locate the fuse holder clip for the spare fuse, located inside the cabinet on the right side panel
(towards the front of the cabinet) about five inches from the bottom of the cabinet. Remove and
replace the existing fuse with the 6.3 Amp, 240 VAC, Slow Blow, 5 x 20mm fuse provided in the
Octel 200 PSU Replacement Kit.
. If the replacement fuse is lost or misplaced, information on the correct type of fuse is on the
label attached to the front of the 100−240 VAC Octel 200 PSU.
13. Turn on the Octel 200, allow the system to boot up, and check for proper operation. If you encounter
problems consult the system technical documentation or contact Technical Support for assistance.
Octel 300 PSU Replacement Procedures
Use this procedure to replace an existing Octel 300 PSU:
- 120 VAC PSU (740−6016−001) or
- 240 VAC PSU (740−6017−001)
- Octel 300 100−240 VAC Auto-ranging PSUs (740−6641−000)
This procedure also covers replacement of any of the following Filter Assemblies:
- 120 VAC Filter Assembly (740−6006−001/−002)
- 240 VAC Domestic Filter Assembly (740−6028−001/−002
- 240 VAC Euro Filter Assembly (740−6030−001/−002)
- Octel 300 100−240 VAC Worldwide Filter Assembly (740−6038−001)
1. Take anti-static precautions (wear an anti-static wrist−strap and connect the strap cable to an
unpainted ground point in the cabinet chassis).
2. Power down the Octel 300 (make sure the power switch is positioned so that the bottom of the
rocker, marked 0, is pressed in).
3. At the back of the Octel 300, unplug the AC power cord from the power source. Unplug the other
end of the AC power cord from the Power Filter Assembly located on the back of the Octel 300.
Refer to Figure 9-25.
4. At the rear of the Octel 300, remove the top panel by unscrewing the four screws used to secure the
panel to the cabinet. For reinstallation later, observe the length of the screws. The two screws used to
secure the top of the panel are shorter than the two screws used for the bottom.
5. Remove and set aside the three screws holding the Power Filter Assembly to the chassis. Refer to
Figure 9-25 for the location of the screws.