6 MDW 9040 Pocket Phone Compatibility Communications System Compatibility
MDW 9040 Wireless Pocket Phone Installation and Use,
503-801-19086 Issue 2, February 2001
Setting the Line
Ringing options for the
Use the following guidelines to ensure optimal voice quality when using MDW 9040
Pocket Phones with a MERLIN MAGIX switch.
This phone must be administered as an 8410D. Consult your DEFINITY switch administration documentation
for the 8410D to program features on the MDW 9040 Pocket Phone.
Note: The MDW 9040 Pocket Phone works with the following circuit packs:
• TN2181 (16 port, 2-wire)
• TN2224 (24 port, 2-wire)
Button mapping for
DEFINITY systems
On DEFINITY systems, the MDW 9040 should be aliased as an 8410D phone. The
following diagram illustrates the 8410D button assignment, and the corresponding
assignments on the MDW 9040 for DEFINITY systems.
Telephone Communications
TransTalk 9000 System with
More Than 6 Handsets
1 When TransTalk 9040 handsets are configured as
individual PBX extensions, no Line Ringing options
are necessary.
2 When MDW 9040 handsets are configured in Key
Mode extensions (multiple 9040 handsets as members
of coverage answer groups), where all incoming calls
ring all handsets at the same time, refer to section
“Setting the Line Ringing options for MERLIN
systems” earlier in this chapter.