GuestWorks and DEFINITY ECS Release 9
Hospitality Operations
Issue 1
November 2000
Hospitality Operations
76Housekeeping Staff Operations
Status Codes
Although the housekeeping status codes may be defined to represent any of
several different states, here is a suggested way to use the different housekeeping
status codes. Note that the suggested meanings of the first four codes are the same
whether entered from a designated telephone or from a guest room. The feature
access codes shown are only examples.
How to Call In Your Work Status
While you are cleaning the guest rooms, you need to let your supervisor know
where you are and the condition of the guest rooms. To do this, use the telephone
in the room you are cleaning or a designated telephone assigned by your
supervisor (in the laundry room, for example). You do not have to say anything —
you enter the numbers that your supervisor will give you. Each of the numbers has
a specific meaning. Your message will go to a computer, and your supervisor will
get the status later.
To update your work status from a guest room, do the following:
1. Using the telephone in the guest room, pick up the handset and enter the
status feature access code that corresponds with your current status. For
example, if you check the room and it needs cleaning, press
2. If you hear another dial tone, enter your identification code (a 1- to 6-digit
number). Once the code has been accepted, you will hear confirmation tone
(a 3-burst tone). Hang up the handset, and continue with your work.
You should wait until you hear a confirmation tone to ensure
that the update was accepted by the system. It may take up to 4
seconds to hear the confirmation tone.
Feature Access Code
Suggested Meaning
31 21 Needs cleaning
32 22 Being cleaned
33 23 Clean
34 24 Needs plumber
35 N/A Needs inspection
36 N/A On hold for repairs