Local Administrative (Craft) Options Using the Telephone Dialpad
Issue 2 December 2007 107
Local Administrative (Craft) Options Using the Telephone
The Avaya one-X™ Deskphone Edition for 9600 Series SIP IP Telephones Installation and
Maintenance Guide details how to use Craft local procedures at the telephone for
administration. The local procedures you might use most often as an administrator are:
● ADDR - Static address programming.
● CLEAR - Remove all administered values, user-specified data, option settings, etc. and
return a telephone to its initial “out of the box” default values.
● DEBUG - Enable or disable debug mode for the button module serial port.
● GROUP - Set the group identifier on a per-phone basis.
● INT - Locally enable or disable the secondary Ethernet hub.
● RESET - Reset the telephone to default values including the registration extension and
password, any values administered through local procedures, and values previously
downloaded using DHCP or a settings file.
● RESTART - Restart the telephone in response to an error condition, including the option to
reset system values.
● SIG - Change the default signaling value to/from SIP, or change SIG to/from H.323.
Chapter 2 of the Avaya one-X™ Deskphone Edition for 9600 Series SIP IP Telephones
Installation and Maintenance Guide also describes how to determine which SIG value is
appropriate for your environment.
● SIP - Configure SIP call settings.
● VIEW - Review the system parameters for the telephone to verify current values and file
Language Selection
9600 Series IP Telephones are factory-set to display information in the English language. In
addition to English, SIP software bundle downloads include the following language files:
● Canadian French
● Parisian French
● Latin American Spanish
● German
● Brazilian Portuguese
● Italian
● Dutch
● Castilian Spanish
● Russian
● Simplified Chinese
● Japanese
● Korean