Octel 100 Configuration Note (7042)
Comdial DXP Confidential Page 2
The information contained in this document is provided by AVAYA Inc. to serve as a guide. See the
disclaimer on page 1
Avaya Inc. PROPRIETARY. Use pursuant to Company instructions.
Communications Applications Group
have port capacities above 16 ports contact your Avaya representative for
the proper solution
There are many options available for this product, depending on the
application. Voice Boards supported:
Dialogic DIALOG/4 ™
Fax Boards supported:
Brooktrout TruFax
Optional Remote Service
Internal Modem
Please consult with your sales representative.
Standard configuration for this integration is 16 ports Max. Provision has
been made that based on the type of Platform and Sentinel, that a max 32
ports may be achieved. Contact your Avaya Inc representative if more
then 16 ports are required.
• O100 can be attached to Digital Station ports using an ATI-D-1PT,
Analog Station Ports using VMI-X, or Industry Standard Stations
using additional DTMF Receivers and an external Ring Generator.
Each configuration is listed below with their corresponding part
numbers. You can combine any of the configurations listed below.
– Digital Station Card DXDST-8 (8 port) or DXDST-16 (16 port).
Each O100 port requires an Analog Terminal Interface (ATI-D-
1PT, one per O100 port). Instructions for installing the Digital
Station Cards with the ATI-D-1PT can be found in Comdial's IMI-
– Analog Station Card DXAST-8 (8 port) or DXAST-16 (16 port).
A Voice Mail Interface (VMI-X, one for every two O100 ports) is
required for every two O100 ports. Instructions for installing the
Analog Station Cards with the VMI-X can be found in Comdial's
– Industry Standard Card DXIST-8 (8 port) or DXIST-16 (16 port).
An external ring generator (DXRNG) and additional DTMF
Receivers are required if O100 is installed on Industry Standard
Ports. The DXP CPU card has two DTMF Receivers, additional
DTMF Receivers can be installed on an Auxiliary Circuit Board
(DXAUX). Each DTMF Receiver Card (DXOPT-TON) provides
four additional DTMF Receivers. Instructions for installing
Industry Standard Station Cards can be found in Comdial's IMI-89-
O100 Ordering Information
This integration will support 16
Switch hardware requirements