VPNremote for 4600 Series IP Telephone Installation and Deployment
Avaya Inc. - Proprietary
Use pursuant to Company Instructions.
4.1 Script Files
At startup all IP telephones download script files from the file server.
VPNphones download following script files from file server in the order given below:
1. 46vpnupgrade.scr
2. 46vpnsetting.txt
3. 46xxsettings.txt
non-VPNphones download following script files from file server in the order given
1. 46xxupgrade.scr
2. 46xxsettings.txt
This arrangement has been provided so that you can administer:
1. All options specific to IP telephone functionality in 46xxsettings.txt.
2. All options specific to VPNremote phones in 46vpnsetting.txt.
3. Upgrade/Downgrade VPNremote phones through 46vpnugrade.scr and non-
VPNremote phones through 46xxupgrade.scr
While maintaining a single file server for both VPN and non-VPN phones.
4.2 DHCP Server
It is a common practice for an administrator to use the DHCP server within the enterprise
network for delivering following set of information to the 4600 series IP telephones
within the enterprise
1. IP address of the phone.
2. IP address of the DNS server.
3. Subnet mask.
4. IP address of the default gateway.
5. Default domain prefix.
6. IP address or DNS name of the call server.
7. IP address or DNS name of the file server.
8. Type of the file server.
9. Directory path on file server.
DHCP is used to reduce the administrative burden associated with manual configuration
of Call Server and File server IP addresses on each IP telephone. For VPNphones, it is
not feasible to configure items 5 through 9 on the enterprise DHCP server because
VPNphone lies outside the trusted network. To fill this void the VPNphone provides the
capability to save information 7 through 9 in the phone’s nonvolatile memory via
46vpnsetting.txt file (See NVVPNFILESRVR description in the accompanying
46vpnsetting_readme.txt file). Now IP address or DNS name of the call server can be
delivered to VPNphones through 46xxsettings.txt or 46vpnsetting.txt by setting
MCIPADD variable in the script files.
SET MCIPADD callserver.intranet.com
5.3.1 Using
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