Creating Websites for the 4610SW and 4620 IP Telephones
Wireless Telephony Applications (WTA)
Wireless Telephony Applications (WTA) 5
Wireless Telephony Applications (WTA) are those applications designed to interact with the
telephony-related functions present in a phone. The web browser supports:
■ Originating a call - Click to Dial
■ Adding entries to the phonebook (Add to Speed Dial entries)
The Web Browser supports the WTA application “click to dial” any link on the screen. An icon of a
telephone handset is displayed to the left of a “click to dial” link when the link is initially displayed.
The Add to Phonebook WTAI function “wtai://wp/ap;” is used to add a Name and Number to the
4620 Speed Dial application. A Speed Dial icon will be displayed to the left of an “add to
phonebook”. The wtai syntax is supported as a href attribute and as such any tags that support the
href attribute will be able to use the “add to speed dial” function. These tags are <a>, <anchor>,
<img>, <do>, <onevent>, <select>, <option>, and <optgroup>.
When a user activates the “add to speed dial” function, the web will transfer the name and number
to the Speed Dial application, and the user will have the opportunity to edit the entry according to
the current Speed Dial functionality.
The WTAI URI scheme is as follows:
wtai://<library>/<function> (; <parameter>)* [! <result>]
Scheme Definition:
< > Denotes an enumerated operator.
[ ] Denotes an optional section.
I Denotes a pair of mutually exclusive options.
( )* Repeat none or multiple items.
*( ) Repeat one or multiple items.
library Name that identifies the library type, WTA Public uses library “wp”.
function Function within a library, for example, “mc” for function “make call” in “wp”
parameter Zero or more parameters sent to a function; should be delineated by a
semicolon “;”.
result Start of result defined by “!”. Optional.