Selecting calls
Avaya Business Advocate User Guide February 2006
You can also use Service Objective to create the same level of service for all skills if you set all
of the service objectives the same and set all agents to use Service Objective in call selection.
Later, if you want to make adjustments for faster or slower service, you can easily change the
service objective for the one skill. See Administering Service Objective
on page 98 for
procedures on activating Service Objective.
Note: Service Objective cannot be used with Percent Allocation.
Call Selection Override
This section includes the following topics:
● What is Call Selection Override? on page 25
● How does Call Selection Override work? on page 25
● Call Selection Override example on page 26
What is Call Selection Override?
Call Selection Override is an option with Service Level Supervisor that alters how calls are
selected when overload thresholds are exceeded for one or more of an agent’s skills. Calls are
selected from skills that are over threshold to the exclusion of calls from skills that are under
threshold. This feature, when activated, is helpful for contact centers that have one or more
skills that are critical in nature, for example, those involving emergency-related calls.
Call Selection Override is activated (set to y) at the system level and must also be
administered individually for each skill for which you want to use the feature. See Administering
Service Level Supervisor on page 103 for procedures on administering this feature.
How does Call Selection Override work?
If Call Selection Override is activated, call selection is limited to only those skills that are over
the highest level threshold. If Call Selection Override is off, normal call selection applies. If two
or more calls exceed the same threshold, for example, in a level 2 threshold, the call is selected
according to the ratio of PWT or CWT and the threshold for the skill. See What happens when a
skill goes over threshold on page 40 for more information about thresholds.