2030 2050 User Guide
2030 & 2050 Telephone User Guide Page 34
IP Office 40DHB0002UKAG Issue 7c (17th May 2004)
Setting a Ringer Step
If a call rings unanswered, the phone can increase the volume on each ring until it reaches its maximum.
You can select several sizes of increase step.
To set the ringer volume step size
1. Press PROGRAM and then zRINGER.
2. Enter the phone's passcode (see The Phone Passcode
3. Press zSCROLL and then press zSTEPS. The display shows the current setting; LARGE
STEP, SMALL STEP or NO STEP (no increase).
4. To select another step size, press zCHANGE.
5. Press zDONE and then press PROGRAM twice to finish.
Setting the Ringer Timeout
The ringer timeout control several actions at your phone though chiefly how long a callback rings before
To set the ringer timeout
1. Press PROGRAM and then zRINGER.
2. Enter the phone's passcode (see The Phone Passcode
3. Press zTIMEOUT. The display shows the current setting. Note that 0 indicates that it is using the
systems setting (which in default is 15 seconds).
4. Press zCANCEL and enter the new timeout in seconds.
5. Press zDONE and then press PROGRAM twice to finish.