2030 & 2050 Telephone User Guide Page 39
IP Office 40DHB0002UKAG Issue 7c (17th May 2004)
Voicemail & Visual Voice
The 2050 and 2030 telephones display a zVOICE option if your system has an IP Office voicemail
• Voicemail Pro or Voicemail Lite:
IP Office supports two voicemail systems. If, when you press zVOICE, you see zLISTEN and
zMESSAGE only, you are on Voicemail Lite.
• Note:
The zVOICE option is not displayed when off-hook. To use zVOICE, press, zVOICE and select
the required option before picking up the handset.
Listening to Messages
This section describes accessing your voicemail from your own extension. Contact your System
Administrator for details if you want to access your mailbox from other locations.
• Automatic Message Deletion Each message is automatically deleted 24 hours after
being played unless you set it to as 'saved' via your mailbox.
2. Press zVOICE. If you are also a member of any hunt group that has messages, the group name
is shown.
3. To check your own messages, press zLISTEN. To check hunt group messages press the display
key next to the group name.
• Voicemail Lite:
You will hear a prompt about the messages in your mailbox and if you have any new
messages they will start playing. Press 8 for help about the controls you can use, see
Voicemail Lite Controls
• Voicemail Pro:
You will see a display of the new, old and saved messages in your mailbox. Press the
display key adjacent to a category to play messages in that category. Whist playing
messages you can access a number of displayed options (you will need to press
SCROLL to see some options):
• zPREVIOUS/zNEXT - Select the message that plays.
• zREWIND/zFFWD - Move within a message.
• zDELETE - Delete the current message.
• zSAVE - Change the current message's category to 'saved'.
• zCOPY - Copy the message to another mailbox or mailboxes. You can pre-record
an introduction to add to the message. If selecting more than one target mailbox,
separate the entries with a #.
• zWHEN?/zFROM? - Display when the message when recorded and (if available)
who it was from. These two controls toggle.