Administering Telephone Options
72 Avaya 1600 Series IP Deskphones Administrator Guide
PROCPSWD " " (Null) Text string containing the local (dialpad) procedure
password (Null or 1-7 ASCII digits). If set, password
must be entered immediately after Mute is pressed and
before entry of a procedure command (for example,
VIEW). Intended to facilitate restricted access to local
procedures even when command sequences are
known. Password is viewable, not hidden.
PROCSTAT 0 Local (dialpad) Administrative procedures status
(0=Local procedures enabled, 1=all Administrative
Options are disabled).
REREGISTER 20 Registration timer in minutes. Controls an H.323
protocol timer that should only be changed under very
special circumstances by someone who fully
understands the system operation impact. Value is
RTCPMON " " (Null) Text string containing the 4-octet IP address of the
RTCP monitor currently in use, in dotted decimal or
DNS Name format (0-15 ASCII characters, no spaces).
SNMPADD " " (Null) Text string containing zero or more allowable source IP
addresses for SNMP queries, in dotted decimal or DNS
format, separated by commas, with up to 255 total
ASCII characters including commas.
SNMPSTRING " " (Null) Text string containing the SNMP community name
string (up to 32 ASCII characters, no spaces).
STATIC 0 Static programming override flag. If set to “0” static
programming never overrides call server (DHCP) or
call server administered data. If set to “1” static
programming overrides only file server administered
data. If set to “2” static programming overrides only call
server administered data. If set to “3” static
programming overrides both file server- and call
server-administered data. Allows a call server IP
address that has been manually programmed into a
telephone to override any value received via DHCP or
via this configuration file. A manually programmed IP
address will only be used if it is not, so this
parameter may be used to allow only specific
telephones to use a different value than otherwise
provided by this configuration file. If STATIC is to be
used to select a manual override of file server IP
address(es), STATIC must be set via DHCP, not via
this configuration file.
SUBSCRIBELIST " " (Null) One or more Push application server subscription
URLs, separated by commas without any intervening
spaces (0-255 ASCII characters, including commas).
Table 8: 1600 Series IP Telephone Customizable System Parameters (continued)
Parameter Name Default Value Description and Value Range
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