Interface Control
Issue 5 April 2010 91
● Status is 100Mbps HDX when PHY2STAT = 4
● Status is 100Mbps FDX when PHY2STAT = 5
5. To change the PHY2 value, press *.
Depending on the current value, the next sequential valid PHY2 value is selected and
displayed as the status. For example, if the current value is 10Mbps HDX (2), pressing *
changes the value to 3 (10Mbps FDX).
The following text displays left-justified at the top of the display:
6. Press the * button to terminate the procedure, or the # button to save the new values.
If you press the # button, the following text displays.
The new values are saved and a restart occurs automatically. The user interface is restored
to its previous state.
The View Administrative Option
If you are using static addressing and encounter problems, use the following procedure to verify
the current values of system parameters and file versions.
Note: Unless otherwise prevented using administration, the user can view but not
change most of the parameters associated with Local Administrative Procedures.
For more information about this option, see the applicable user guide(s).
Note: If the View Network Information option is not available due to being disabled by
administration, use the ADDR option to view IP addresses. See
Addressing Installation on page 94. The IP addresses might have been entered
incorrectly. Verify whether you were provided with correct IP addresses.
Save new value?
*=no #=yes
New value
being saved