Certifying the Installation
Wireless Installation and Configuration Guide Page 53
IP Office [15-601082] Issue [1] (1 June 2006)
Confirm Supported Data Rates
To toggle to the Detail function, press FCN. Use this information to confirm signal strength and
supported data rates.
#: Full
dB Ch
#: the number (1-4) of the access point.
Full MAC: the MAC address of the access point.
dB: the signal strength of the access point.
Ch: the channel of the access point.
1b2b5b11b is an example of the data rates that may be displayed.
Walk around the site to determine supported data rates, one access point at a time. In any location you
may use the right arrow key to display the second best access point, arrow again to the third best, and
so on to the fourth best. The left arrow key steps you back to the first best.
Each data rate (1,2,5.5, or 11Mbit/sec) that is supported by the access point is shown. Those rates that
are in the Basic Rate set (sometimes referred to as “required” rates) are indicated by a ‘b’ following the
rate number. The Supported and Basic data rate(s) should be the same on all access points as is
appropriate for your environment.