Menu features
The IP Deskphone menu displays are customized to match the service
package of the active account that is accessing the menu. In most cases,
menus are accessed from the Idle screen and the primary account is
active. For example, you can only use the Retrve context-sensitive soft
key to retrieve a parked call if call parking is allowed by the service
package of the primary account.
Similarly, accessing the Address Book, either through the corresponding
hard key or through the View menu, usually displays the Address Book of
the primary account. However, accessing the Address Book in select
mode (for example, while dialing, or selecting an item for a speed dial
key) accesses the address book of the latest user account used on the
address-input screen.
Modifying settings
A number of preferences, in particular Voice Mail and IM settings, are per-
account. The main Preferences menu includes an User Settings entry.
Selecting this entry prompts you to select a registered account. After
selecting an account, a menu appears that lets you modify the settings of
that account.
Per-account call notification options
The Call Settings entry in the User Settings menu provides a number of
configuration options relating to how incoming calls for a particular
account are treated:
• what kind of audio alert should be used (ring tone, beep, nothing)
• whether the red LED should blink
• whether the call should be added to the Incoming Calls log
IM Settings
IM Settings is located under User Settings. Any change in settings on
the primary account takes effect immediately. You can also modify
settings for a secondary account, but they do not take effect until that
account registers as the primary account.