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Application How To Start Benefit and Use
1. Today Tap , Today Today’s information that users want to see at a glance.
2. ActiveSync Tap , ActiveSync Monitor the status of information transfer between the device and the PC.
3. Calendar Tap , Calendar View, edit, and create calendar entries.
4. Contacts Tap , Contacts View, edit, and create contact information, or make a call directly from contacts.
5. Inbox Tap , Inbox View, edit, create, and send e-mails with or without attachments.
6. Pocket Internet Explorer Tap , Pocket Internet Explorer Browse the Internet wirelessly.
7. Notes Tap , Notes Enter digitally-transcribed handwritten notes.
8. Phone Tap , Phone View phone dialer.
9. Tasks Tap , Tasks Manage active and completed tasks.
10. Windows Media Player Tap , Windows Media Player Play audio or video files locally on the device or storage card, or streamed from the web.
11. Games Tap , Programs, Games Users can play their favorite games.
12. Calculator Tap , Programs, Calculator Access an easy-to-use calculator.
13. File Explorer Tap , Programs, File Explorer Manage the files on the device.
14. Pictures Tap , Programs, Pictures View pictures on the device.
15. MSN Messenger Tap , Programs, MSN Messenger Send MSN instant messages.
16. Pocket Excel Tap , Programs, Pocket Excel View, create, and edit spreadsheets.
17. Pocket Word Tap , Programs, Pocket Word View, create, and edit documents.
18. WiBackup Tap , Programs, WiBackup Create backup files of datafiles and applications stored in your device.
19. SIM Manager Tap , Programs, SIM Manager Manage the data on the SIM card.
Go to www.attwireless.com/pocketpcsolutions for more
information on your Audiovox PPC4100.
With this method, your Inbox is updated each time you
sync with your PC or corporate e-mail server. Upon
each sync, any messages you have composed are sent
and your Inbox will be updated with any new messages
you have received. See the Inbox section of the User’s
Guide for more information.
This method includes e-mail from providers such as
Quest, Earthlink and attbi/Comcast. These e-mail
services can be managed remotely using a wireless
connection. Visit www.attwireless.com/pocketpcsolutions
for configuration instructions.
• Tap , then Inbox. Inbox will open to the Inbox folder
Synchronizing e-mail messages:
E-mail messages can be synchronized as part of the
general synchronization process. You will need to
enable Inbox synchronization in ActiveSync.
Tap to select
which folder
to display.
Tap to select
which account
to use.
Tap to create a
new email or
SMS message.
PPC4100 Quick Start Guide 4/27/04 3:36 PM Page 7