
This Product incorporates copyright protection technology that is protected by method claims of certain U.S. Patents
and other intellectual property rights owned by Macrovision Corporation and other rights owners. Use of this copyright
protection technology must be authorized by Macrovision Corporation, and is intended for home and other limited
viewing uses only unless otherwise authorized by Macrovision Corporation. Reverse engineering or disassembly is
An LCD panel and/or video monitor may be installed in a motor vehicleand visible to the driver if theLCD panel or video
monitor is used for vehicle information, system control, rear or side observation or navigation. If the LCD panel or video
monitor is used for television reception, video or DVD play, the LCD panel or video monitor must be installed so that
these featureswill onlyfunction whenthe vehicleis in"park" orwhen thevehicle's parkingbrake isapplied.
An LCDpanel or videomonitor used fortelevision reception, videoor DVD playthat operates whenthe vehicle isin gear
or when the parking brake is not applied must be installed to the rear of the driver's seat where it will not be visible,
directly orindirectly,to theoperator ofthe motorvehicle.
The D705 DVD Player contains a built-in battery. To obtain the best performance from your DVD Player please refer to
the followingbattery careinstructions:
When charging the DVD Player the power switch should be set to off. The battery can only charge when the DVD
Player is off. The DVD Player can be charged using the AC to DC adaptor or the vehicle DC power adaptor. When
the battery is fully discharged the unit will require approximately 2~3 hours to fully recharge the battery. The battery
must be charged at least 8 hours prior to first use.
While the unit is charging, the LED indicator will be on. Once the unit is fully charged the LED will be off. When the
battery is fully charged, the unit will play for approximately 2 hours. You should charge the unit once a month to
ensure that the unit will be operational for 2 hours.
Do not charge the DVD Player in the vehicle when the vehicle is not running.
Note: If you do not plan to use the battery for an extended period of time (one week or longer), we recommend that
you fully charge the battery. For longer periods of storage, please recharge the battery at least once every two
months to maintain the battery in optimum condition.
1. Once the battery is fully discharged, immediately recharge the battery (regardless of whether you plan to use the
battery ornot) inorder tomaximizebattery life.
2. Rechargeefficiencywill degradewhen temperaturesdrop below50°F (10°C)or exceed95°F(35°C).
Precautions Relatedto BatteryRecharge: