Programming for Operation
Behind PBX or Centrex
If you are connecting your PARTNER Plus system to a PBX (Private Branch
Exchange) or Centrex system, instead of directly to local telephone company
lines, there are two ways to program the system. Your choice depends on what
kinds of calls your users tend to make. If they make most of their calls to
outside parties and/or to other extensions in the PARTNER Plus system, choose
Programming Method A. If they make most of their calls to PBX/Centrex
extensions, choose Programming Method B.
The method you choose affects how you program Speed Dial and Auto Dial
numbers, and how the Last Number Redial and Save Number Redial features
work. These important considerations are discussed for each programming
Programming Method A
Use this method when most calls are made to outside parties and/or to other
extensions on the PARTNER Plus system.
1. Be sure no dialing restrictions have been programmed for all lines and
extensions, as follows:
Outgoing Call Restrictions (#401 ) set to “no restriction.”
No Disallowed Phone Number Lists
and #405).
2. Program the PBX Dial-Out Code (#106) to be the digit you dial to get an
outside line (0 through 9). The factory setting is 9.
3. Program the Recall Timer Duration (#107) as follows:
For use with a PBX system, set to 450 milliseconds (press [ 1 ] [ 8 ] when
prompted to enter data).
For use with a Centrex system, set to 800 milliseconds (press [ 3 ] [ 2 ]
when prompted to enter data).
4. Program the Line Type (#202) to be “PBX” for every line connected to the
PBX or Centrex system.
Programming for PBX
or Centrex A-1