2-16 Chapter 2: Hardware information
2.4.3 Memory sparing technology
The Intel
Seaburg chipset supports the memory sparing technology. Refer to theurg chipset supports the memory sparing technology. Refer to the chipset supports the memory sparing technology. Refer to the
below sections:
Memory Sparing :
At conguration time, a DIMM rank is set aside to replace a defective DIMM rank.
When the error rate for a failing DIMM rank reaches a pre-determined threshold,
the memory sparing function will issue an interrupt and initiate a spare copy. At the
completion of the copy, the failing DIMM rank is disabled and the “spared” DIMM
rank will be used in its place.
• The DIMM rank with the largest size will be assigned as spare rank. Data
can only be copied from a smaller sized rank to a larger sized one.
• A DIMM can contain only one or two ranks. To support sparing function, a
DIMM channel should contain at least two ranks.
• When sparing function is enabled, the usable memory size will reduce then
size of the spare ranks.