Select OK to display the basic calculator.
2. Use the keypad to enter numbers and the
up, down, right, left joystick keys to select
the add, subtract, multiply, and divide
Press the Enter key to select =.
3. Press twice on the up, down, right, or
left joystick keys to access memory
• m+ Select m+ then press the Enter key
to add a number to memory. Select m+
to add the number stored in memory.
• m- Select m- to subtract the number
stored in memory.
• mc Select mc then press the Enter key
to clear memory.
• mr Select mr to retrieve and enter the
number in memory.
Note that most of the functions are selected
with the joystick alone, with no need to press
OK or the Enter key. For example, compute
239 + 1,238 + 439 as follows:
1. Enter 239 with the number keys.
2. Press the up joystick key once to select
the + function.
3. Enter 1,238 with the number keys.
4. Press the up joystick key once to select
the + function. The subtotal, 1,477,
5. Enter 439 with the number keys. The
subtotal, 1916, appears.
6. Press the Enter key to display the total,
• Numbers are cleared from memory once you exit the
• Press the # key to enter a decimal point.
The phone includes a scientific calculator
To open the scientific calculator:
1. From the main menu, select Organizer >
Calculator > Scientific
Select OK to display the scientific
2. Enter values to compute using the
3. Use the joystick to choose the function
you want to perform, then press the Enter
4. When done, press the right soft key
to clear.
World Clock
The world clock function enables you to see the
time in various major cities of the world.
To open the world clock:
From the main menu, select Organizer >
World Clock.
The World Clock is displayed.
The clock displays a map and the current time
in your own location. You can move the location
east or west using the left or right joystick keys.