ASUS Audio User’s Manual 63
Win3.x Audio Drivers
Configuration Manager
In DOS and Windows 3.1x environments a program called the Configuration Man-
ager must be installed in order for the Configuration Manager to do resource alloca-
tions for all ISA Plug and Play cards. The audio portion of this card uses 16-bit ISA
Creative PnP Configuration Manager (CTCM)
If you try installing the audio drivers first, the audio install program will not be able
to find the PLUGPLAY\DRIVERS\DOS\ESCD.RF database file and give you the
following message: “Configuration Manager not found. Please install the Configu-
ration Manager before installing your Audio Software.” “Press a key to continue.”
Pressing a key will send you back to the DOS prompt.
Run the Configuration Manager install under DOS prompt by running INSTALL
from the \AUDIO\CTCM\ directory.
The first screen shows:
The following path will be used for installing Configuration Manager programs.
Proceed using the settings shown
Configuration Manager Path : C:\CTCM
Microsoft Windows 3.1 Path : C:\WINDOWS
System Bootup Drive : C:\
Press <ENTER> to continue, <F1> for help, or <F3> to exit.
If you need to change the paths shown, you may push the down arrow key and press
<ENTER> when highlighted. If your Windows directory is not detected, you need
to change the path shown to your Windows directory. If you wish to change the
Windows path some other time, you will have to run INSTALL from your Configu-
ration Manager installation CD again.
Config. Manager
Win3.x Audio Drivers