Chapter 2: Hardware informationChapter 2: Hardware information
Chapter 2: Hardware informationChapter 2: Hardware information
Chapter 2: Hardware information
PCI Express x16 slotsPCI Express x16 slots
PCI Express x16 slotsPCI Express x16 slots
PCI Express x16 slots
This motherboard has two PCI
Express x16 slots that support PCI
Express x16 graphic cards
complying with the PCI Express
specifications. With two graphics
cards installed, the motherboard can
enable quad-display.
Primary PCI Express x 16Primary PCI Express x 16
Primary PCI Express x 16Primary PCI Express x 16
Primary PCI Express x 16
slot for discrete graphicsslot for discrete graphics
slot for discrete graphicsslot for discrete graphics
slot for discrete graphics
card (blue)card (blue)
card (blue)card (blue)
card (blue)
Universal PCIUniversal PCI
Universal PCIUniversal PCI
Universal PCI
Express slotExpress slot
Express slotExpress slot
Express slot
[x4 mode] (black)[x4 mode] (black)
[x4 mode] (black)[x4 mode] (black)
[x4 mode] (black)
We recommend that you install a VGA card on the primary (blue) PCI
Express slot, and install any other PCI Express device on the Universal
PCI Express slot (black).
Primary PCI Express x16Primary PCI Express x16
Primary PCI Express x16Primary PCI Express x16
Primary PCI Express x16
The primary PCI Express x16
graphics card supports PCI Express
x16 graphic cards that comply with
the PCI Express specifications.
Universal PCI Express slotUniversal PCI Express slot
Universal PCI Express slotUniversal PCI Express slot
Universal PCI Express slot
(x4 mode)(x4 mode)
(x4 mode)(x4 mode)
(x4 mode)
This motherboard also supports a
Universal PCI Express slot with a
maximum speed of 2 GB/s. The
operating frequency of this slot changes, depending on the type of PCI
Express card you install. Refer to the table on the next page for details.
The figure shows two graphics cards installed on the primary PCI Express
x16 slot and the Universal PCI Express slot.
If you install two VGA cards, we recommend that you plug the rear
chassis fan cable to the motherboard connector labeled CHA_FAN1 for
better thermal environment. See page 2-31 for the connector location.