
Chapter 5: Software supportChapter 5: Software support
Chapter 5: Software supportChapter 5: Software support
Chapter 5: Software support
RAID configurations RAID configurations
RAID configurations RAID configurations
RAID configurations
This motherboard supports RAID 0, RAID 1, and Intel
Matrix Storage
configurations for Serial ATA hard disks drives through the Intel
chipset. Use the Intel
Application Accelerator RAID Option ROM utility to
configure a disk array.
Setting the BIOS RAID itemsSetting the BIOS RAID items
Setting the BIOS RAID itemsSetting the BIOS RAID items
Setting the BIOS RAID items
After installing the hard disk drives, make sure to set the necessary RAID
items in the BIOS before setting your RAID configuration.
To set the BIOS RAID items:
1. Boot the system and press <Del> during the Power-On Self-Test
(POST) to enter the BIOS Setup Utility.
2. From the
Main > IDE Configuration Main > IDE Configuration
Main > IDE Configuration Main > IDE Configuration
Main > IDE Configuration menu in the BIOS, the
Configure SATA As Configure SATA As
Configure SATA As Configure SATA As
Configure SATA As item as RAID.
3. Set the
OnBoard Serial-ATA BOOTROMOnBoard Serial-ATA BOOTROM
OnBoard Serial-ATA BOOTROMOnBoard Serial-ATA BOOTROM
OnBoard Serial-ATA BOOTROM item as Enabled.
4. Save your changes and exit Setup.
Entering the IntelEntering the Intel
Entering the IntelEntering the Intel
Entering the Intel
Application Accelerator RAID Option Application Accelerator RAID Option
Application Accelerator RAID Option Application Accelerator RAID Option
Application Accelerator RAID Option
ROM utilityROM utility
ROM utilityROM utility
ROM utility
To enter the Intel
Application Accelerator RAID option ROM utility:
1. Boot up your computer.
2. During POST, press <Ctrl+I> to display the main menu of the utility.
RAID Volumes:
None defined.
Non-RAID Disks:
Port Drive Model Serial # Size Type/Status (Vol ID)
0 ST380013AS xxxxxxxx 74.5GB Non-RAID Disk
1 ST380013AS xxxxxxxx 74.5GB Non-RAID Disk
Intel(R) Application Accelerator RAID Option ROM v4.0.0.6211
Copyright(C) 2003-04 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
1. Create RAID Volume
2. Delete RAID Volume
3. Reset Disks to Non-RAID
4. Exit
[ ]-Select
[ ]-Select
[ESC] Exit
[ESC] Exit
[Enter]-Select Menu
[Enter]-Select Menu
The RAID BIOS setup screens shown in this section are for reference
only, and may not exactly match the items on your screen.