P505 Smart PDA Phone
The pop-up menu items vary depending on the program or
application. For example, the
File ExplorerFile Explorer
File ExplorerFile Explorer
File Explorer pop-up menu includes
more items than in
Pop-up menusPop-up menus
Pop-up menusPop-up menus
Pop-up menus
Pop-up menus often appear when you tap and hold an item to help
you choose an action. The actions in the pop-up menus vary from
program to program.
To access a pop-up menu, tap and hold the stylus on the item that
you wish to perform action on. When the menu appears, lift the
stylus, and tap the action that you want to execute. To close the
pop-up menu without performing an action, tap anywhere outside the
Tap and hold until the pop-up menu appears
Tap the action that you wish to perform
Tap outside the pop-up menu to close it
without performing an action