
Chapter 5: Software support
5.5.1 Installing the hard disks
The SiS 180 Serial/Ultra ATA RAID controller supports Serial ATA and Ultra
ATA hard disk drives. For optimal performance, install identical drives of
the same model and capacity when creating a RAID set.
If you are creating a RAID 0 (striping) array for performance, use two
new drives.
If you are creating a RAID 1 (mirroring) array for protection, you can use
two new drives or use an existing drive and a new drive (the new drive
must be of the same size or larger than the existing drive). If you use two
drives of different sizes, the smaller capacity hard disk will be the base
storage size. For example, one hard disk has an 80GB storage capacity
and the other hard disk has 60GB storage capacity, the maximum
storage capacity for the RAID 1 set is 60GB.
If you are creating a RAID 0+1 (striping and mirroring) array, you must
install two new identical drives (same size).
Follow these steps to install the hard disks for RAID configuration.
1. Set the jumpers of each hard disk as Master/Slave.
2. Install the hard disks into the drive bays.
3. Connect the HDD cables. These connection options are available for
creating a RAID 0 or RAID 1 array:
a) Connect one Parallel ATA HDDs to the PRI_RAID connector and
one Serial ATA HDD to either one of the two Serial ATA
connectors, using separate parallel ATA or serial ATA cables.
b) Connect one Serial ATA HDD to each Serial ATA connector, using
separate serial ATA cables.
4. Connect the power cable to the power connector on each drive.
5. Boot the system and enter the SiS RAID Setting Utility. Refer to the
next section for details.