Chapter 3: BIOS setup
Chapter 3
Rapid Start Technology [Disabled]
Allows you to enable or disable Intel Rapid Start Technology.
The following items appear only when you set the Intel
Rapid Start Technology to
Entry on S3 RTC Wake [Enabled]
The system automatically wakes up and set to Rapid Start Technology S4 mode.
Configuration options: [Enabled] [Disabled]
Entry After [0]
This item appears only when you set the Entry on S3 RTC Wake to
[Enabled]. This item allows you to enable the RTC wake timer at S3 entry.
The value ranges from 0 (Immediately) to 120 minutes
Active Page Threshold Support [Enabled]
Allows you to enable or disable the IRST with additional partition size.
Configuration options: [Enabled] [Disabled]
Ensure that the caching partition size is larger than the total memory size.
Active Memory Threshold [0]
This item appears only when you set the Active Page Threshold Support
to [Enabled].This item allows you to allocate a partition size for Active
Page Threshold.
Hybrid Hard Disk Support [Disabled]
Allows you to enable or disable Hybrid Hard Disk support.
Configuration options: [Enabled] [Disabled]
Intel (R) Smart Connect Technology
Allow you to enable or disable Intel Smart Connect Technology.
ISCT Configuration [Disabled]
Allows you to enable or disable ISCT Configuration.
Configuration options: [Enabled] [Disabled]