4-24 Chapter 4: BIOS setup
After entering the IDE hard disk drive information into BIOS, use a disk utility,
such as FDISK, to partition and format new IDE hard disk drives. This is
necessary so that you can write or read data from the hard disk. Make sure to
set the partition of the Primary IDE hard disk drives to active.
4.4.7 HDD SMART Monitoring [Disabled]
Allows you to enable or disable the HDD Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting
4.4.8 Installed Memory [xxx MB]
4.4.9 Usable Memory [xxx MB]
4.4.10 System Information
automatically detects the items in this menu.
Select Menu
Item Specic Help
F1:Help ↑↓ : Select Item -/+: Change Value F5: Setup Defaults
ESC: Exit →←: Select Menu Enter: Select SubMenu F10: Save and Exit
System Information
BIOS Revision 0106
BIOS revision
Displays the auto-detected BIOS version.
Phoenix-AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility