ASUS Xonar D2X
7.2 Converting music in “Main Setting” Page
Click the main setting page to start the PMP music conversion process.
No Item Description
1 Select Music Sources
Step 1 is to prepare the music sources that you are going to
convert. You can select 3 music source folders which can be
multiply checked:
1) My Music – This path is locked and refers to
C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\My Music.
2) iTunes Music – The path is locked and refers to
C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\iTunes Music.
3) Others – The default path refers to C:\Documents and
Settings\My Documents\My Music but can be designated to
other folder by clicking .
In the right side of the window, you will see all of the music
les from the selected folders that can be converted by PMP.
You can select all or click each check box to choose which
le to be converted later. The les that have been converted
during the process will show a check mark in the status