Table 47-1. BACnet Variable List
Description Attribute
1 Fill valve status 0:off 1:on
2 Drain valve status 0:off 1:on
3 contactor 1 status 0:off 1:on
4 contactor 2 status 0:off 1:on
5 contactor 3 status 0:off 1:on
6 contactor 4 status 0:off 1:on
8 Network control 0:Local 1:Remote
1 comm type 0:485 1:PSP
2 Sensor select 0:Humidistat 1:RH sensor
3 High limit sensor select 0:not use 1:use
4 Outside temperature 0:not use 1:use
5 Network enable 0:disable 1:enable
6 Modulating Fill enable 0:enable 1:disable
1 Desired RH
2 Output
3 Water level 0:low 1:normal 2:high 3:exception
4 Run status 0:Idle 1:Gen 10:frequent Draini
ng 4:bed drying 5:Failure 6:Drain 7:heat 9:Fill
Failure 1:Over temperature 2:High humidity/sail switch circuit is open 3:Illegal level switch state 4:Unit
have reached 100% of bed life 5:Fill time out to low level 6:Water level dropped below level during
normal run 7:Fill time out from low to high level 8:Water level above high level time out 9:Water level has
not dropped below low level during an emptydrain 10:End of bed dring
20 Contactor Power 0:1000W
1:3000 2:5000W 3:6650W 4:8000W
1 Language Select
2 Set RH(Set Desired RH) or Desired % Output
3 High set point
4 Outside temperature high set point
5 Outside temperature low set point
6 Outside RH low set point
7 Run mode 1:Steam Gen 2:Manual Fill 3:Manual Drain 4:Unit stop
Bed life 0:500Hours 1:750Hours 2:1000Hours 3:1250Hours 4:1500Hours 5:1750Hours 6:2000Hours
7:2250Hours 8:2500Hours 9:3000Hours 10:No bed
Drain Freq 0:6Hours 1:12Hours 2:24Hours 3:48Hours 4:96Hours
11 Drain time 0:1Minutes 1:5Minutes 2:10Minutes
12 Signal type 0:0-10V 1:0-5V 2:1.9-3.9V 3:4-20mA
17 Modulating Fill Freq
18 Modulating Fill time
19 Water temperature compensate
20 Heat temperature compensate